here's a seasonal update with three things:
coaching spotlight: piram featured at apple developers lab and founders inc
cohort: testing out hardware job fairs
community: lab auto hack (and apple vision pro hack!)
my goal is to share important updates from the last few months. i like a menu format so if you’re curious for more, then i linked other things to explore.
1. coaching spotlight: piram with apple vision pro
piram is one of the students that i’ve been supporting the last few months with weekly check ins. he has been building projects on visionOS.
with the new vision pro headset reveal, his project based work has paid off as he’s been:
youngest builder at founder inc’s vision pro residency to demo in 30 days
invited to developers labs at apple to meet the team behind the vision pro
building out a portfolio to include 3d visuals, audio, and integrated ai features
you can read more from his perspective below.
i also have a few coaching spots open for the next few months. feel free to forward this note to a recent grad or emerging leader who may enjoy 1-1 support. happy to chat.
2. cohort: testing out hardware job fairs
alongside testing coaching with ai, i’m exploring what the end to end support looks like for my next set of cohort programs. it’s either start a company, get a new role, or activate a project within or alongside an organization.
for the second one, i’ve been testing out how to redesign job fair experiences to include live demos first, great experience, and valuable matching through portfolio based applications to expedite qualification process for leads.
there’s a big appetite for it, as the first two job fairs had 850+ people join across sf and virtual, as well as 20 companies hiring for 50 roles.
too soon to tell if this was enough activation for results in hiring, but i’m learning a lot and excited to integrate into larger future of education hypothesis.
if you’re seeking your next role or hiring in climate or hardare, we’re doing one more 04/25. be the first to hear about by signing up below.
3. community: lab auto hack
24hrs with three different robotic platforms and 30 builders demoing new proof of concepts in the lab automation space. it was the best hardware hack yet as the problem space had so many open challenges and there were very clear economic incentives.
the top projects included using apple vision pro to teleoperate an opentrons liquid handler and an automated batching workflow for microscope samples.
also, as a bonus, if you made it this far, we did an apple vision pro hack one week after the headset was released.
it was fun to bring the community together to try out new hardware. from teleoperated bobcats to controller free beat saber, the headset definitely feels like first step in opening up next generation interface and interactions.
up next for me:
getting feedback and finalizing a demo for ai coaching as grant finalists
host another job fair during sf climate week, doubling down on portfolio matching
exploring a possible hardware hack around manufacturing
always cooking something,
ps. if you made it this far, here’s a recipe for a vegetarian french onion soup that is so good it’s hard to believe there’s no beef base.